Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Discovery’s blastoff lights up the night

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. - Discovery and the 7 astronauts headed for a event with the International Space Station after a pre-dawn liftoff Mondayone of the last missions for NASA’s convey program.

The launch — the last one scheduled in dark for NASA’s vanishing convey module — helped set a jot down for the majority women in space at the same time. Three women are aboard Discovery, and an additional is already at the space station, creation for an singular foursome. The convey should arrive at the orbiting armed forces Wednesday.

Discovery’s main receiver unsuccessful after taking moody and could stroke the radio detector indispensable for the rendezvous. NASA officials pronounced there were alternative collection to work around the situation.

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The scarcely two-week mission will batch the space hire with reserve and experiments.

In a singular treat, the space hire upheld over the launch site fifteen mins prior to Discovery bloody off and was simply visible, imitative a big, shining star in the transparent sunrise sky with the moon as a backdrop. There was a carol of “ooooh” from spectators. By launch time, the armed forces had trafficked roughly all the approach opposite the Atlantic.

“It’s time for you to climb to orbit. Good fitness and godspeed,” launch executive Pete Nickolenko told the astronauts prior to liftoff.

“Let’s do it!” replied commander in chief Alan Poindexter.

Discovery could be seen with the exposed eye for 7 mins as it shot upward, adding to the show. And roughly as an encore, the empty plumes fanned out in spirals opposite the sky, branch dark shades of rose, pink and bullion in the glinting sunlight.

The 6 space hire residents collected around the cooking list to watch the launcha laptop computer. “We are positively gay to have the accessible comrades fasten us here in a integrate of days,” pronounced spaceman Timothy Creamer.

“Stand by for a knockthe door,” Mission Control radioed.

Japans space featJapan distinguished the own space attainment with Discovery’s liftoff. Two of the astronauts were encircling Earth at the same time, onethe convey and the otherthe station. More than 300 Japanese reporters and space module officials swarming the launch site. The roads heading to the Kennedy Space Center additionally were tangled with Easter vacationers and open breakers fervent to see one of the couple of superfluous convey flights.

NASA officials remarkable 3 small pieces of insulating foam drifting off Discovery’s fuel tank, as well late in the moody to poise a reserve concern. The astronauts will consult their boat Tuesday.

If the shuttle’s receiver isn’t operative by then, they will be forced to wait for until they get to the space stationWednesday to broadcast the investigation formula to Mission Control. In the meantime, the astronauts will have to watch the consult delicately from radio monitors inside the convey to have certain there are no problems with the vehicles’s protecting thermal tiles. Normally, the video images would be sent in genuine time to engineers in Houston.

“You guys are going to be first seeking at the imagery,” Mission Control said. “Anything viewable you guys see ... write down the times and let us know those and we’ll see in to that, particularly.”

Only 3 convey missions sojourn after this one. NASA intends to retire the swift by the finish of September, but is capricious what will follow for human spaceflight. President Barack Obama will revisit the area Apr 15, whilst Discovery is still in orbit, to fill in a little of the blanks.

NASA’s moon scrutiny program, Constellation, already has been canceled by Obama.

Celebrate now, simulate laterThe launch group at the moment put in reserve the worries about NASA’s capricious destiny and basked in the heat of a successful launch. “Folks were only immensely unapproachable and happy,” Nickolenko said. “Certainly, in the subsequent entrance days and weeks, I don’t disbelief there will be a little reflection.”

Poindexter and his organisation will outlay 9 days at the space station, replenishing supplies. The astronauts will implement a uninformed ammonia tank for the cooling complement — a unwieldy pursuit requiring 3 spacewalks. They additionally will dump off scholarship experiments as well as an additional sleeping compartment, a darkroom to urge picture-taking from the lab’s high-quality window, and alternative apparatus totaling thousands of pounds.

Click for associated contentRussian qualification brings organisation to space station Four women in circuit will set new record Show us your blasts from the past

All these reserve are indispensable to keep the space hire using prolonged after NASA’s 3 superfluous shuttles stop flying. NASA will relyother countries’ vessels to broach crews and supplies, but nothing are as big and ample as the shuttle.

The space hire will go on handling until 2020 underneath the Obama plan. The thought is for blurb space hire companies to in the future yield packet use for astronauts. Right now, NASA is profitable for seatsRussian Soyuz rockets. That’s how U.S. wanderer Tracy Caldwell Dyson got to the space hire Sunday, dual days after being launched from Kazakhstan.

Once combined, the convey and hire crews will series 13: eight Americans, 3 Russians and dual Japanese.

Discovery’s moody was the 35th in the convey module to proceed in dark and, exclusive variable problems, the last. The mission was behind some-more than dual weeks since of this winter’s scarcely cold weather. So instead of an afternoon launch, the convey took off prior to sunrise, pulling all the movement in to the cemetery shift.

© ,,.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Using a superficial knowledge of neon can lift the dullest room out of the winter ennui

When majority people think of neon, visions of Eighties Day-Glo wardrobe and smiley faces open to mind. But how about neon in interiors? Somehow that doesn"t receptive to advice as if it would work in the homes.

And yet, here we are at the commencement of a new decade with a superficial knowledge of neon looming in the shops.

Neon is not for timorous violets - rather it"s for people who wish to have a confidant statement.

Spoon club stool, 280, Heal"s, heals.co.uk Abode Living Briar lampshade, 89, Clarissa Hulse at Abode Living, abodeliving.co.uk

lampshade for acne to help this mulls

Friday, August 27, 2010

Youd mount by your man on the hustings Sandra Howard

Sandra Howard & ,}

After 6 ubiquitous elections as a domestic associate the feverishness is off. Im a free spirit, fit to stick on the Dead Poets Society, expelled from the aria of daily canvassing, the dismay of low turnouts, the be scared of removing out the vote. No some-more knocking up, exit-poll nerves, the strident annoyance of standing, blue-rosetted, to one side the alternative possibilities spouses in the locale hall, creation agonised small speak whilst examination the piles of counted votes grow in columns similar to a poll-chart graphic. Freedom is great.

Every choosing had the own stresses. Parliament competence be dissolved, each MP a humble claimant again, but ministers are still ministers and in the Eighties, as a willing, well-trained associate I was left manning the home front, knocking on doors and on foot the high breezy streets of Folkestone Hythe. Not utterly a golfing widow given I was out on the course, but for three elections my father had red boxes to understanding with, as well as coptering around the nation and rushing behind to seek votes in his own patch.

In 1997, as Home Secretary, he was out on the inhabitant branch some-more than ever. I had ten-hour days, trudging about with the brave supporters who were indefatigable even in their eighties, imprinting seek votes cards and posting leaflets in to the jaws of snarling canines whose revealed fangs done their political allegiances utterly clear. And when my father was behind from all points north and south, display the dwindle and display us up with his boundless energy, a whirly of media would whisk in after him, dynamic to lay us out flat.

You can ring 3 doorbells and find accessible folk then, only when the Mirror reporter is tough on your sap tail, you hit up a crusty old gent who calls your lot a garland of bananas. Doorstepped electorate mostly love a moan, nonetheless they were kind to a vague mother similar to me I occasionally had the domestic sins of the universe or my father heaped on my head.

BACKGROUNDSamCam heads for father"s estate on debate tripSamCam goes piece for one person as Sarah plays pacifist wifeSam Cam takes on Sarah in fight of the wivesBaby is due during the Party discussion season

I was a leaders mother in the 2005 election. I had approaching to lift on canvassing as in the past, but, as piece of the organisation I was carried off turn the country; Tamworth one day, Tadcaster the subsequent with Glasgow and Cardiff in between. Are we in Wales or Somerset? I whispered once, that to everyones service went unheard. It meant withdrawal Folkestone Hythe mostly to deflect for itself, that it did superbly. Our infancy was doubled at that choosing and my father was means to fun that we should have spun off on legal holiday each time and left them to it.

Didnt you feel similar to only a bit of window dressing? Isnt it demeaning, being seen and not heard, approaching to dump all and see similar to Mrs normal housewife? I am still asked those questions. The Times mumsnet focus organisation are asking them, observant they are annoyed by the hyping-up of the domestic wives, that the belittling and they feel treated with colour similar to stupid women. They dignified a mother who refused to fool around the purpose and kept on top of the fray.

Well, thats easy to contend from afar. But would they really, faced with the momentous awaiting of a father as Prime Minister, unequivocally not wish to do all they presumably could? With the biggest apply oneself to Miriam González Durántez, Nick Cleggs wife, it is frequency a expected unfolding in her case.

I did feel somewhat assimilated at the hip with Michael rather similar to Gordon Brown and Tony Blair were at the last election, beating ice creams and persuading voters that they got dual for the cost of one. But I positively didnt feel demeaned.

The open has come to design a march of leaders spouses; we have been Americanised in that respect. People might be extraordinary (up to a point) about the partner of any one determined to run this smashing country, or confess disinterest similar to the concentration group. They are not choosing by casting votes for the associate and I doubt however most cost tags are trustworthy to their high-street garments whether a amatory partner will pitch a singular punter in the polling booth, but my each instinct in 2005 was to put in isolation hold up on hold and give it my all.

Because I felt so most was at interest the biggest apprehension was of stepping in to a trap, opening my big mouth and observant something that could risk the partys fortunes. A associate cant win votes, but the downside is a opposite story. It was stopping and tough to handle, the commercial operation of chatting afar happily at parties, afterwards finding that the flatteringly courteous femme fatale was a journalist focussed on you do his mortal best. I disposed each word of criticism of my man. I wrote harmed letters to editors, personally or Id have been divorced on the spot. Id mount at the postbox meditative any lucid person wouldnt do this prior to dropping it in and feeling improved for it.

On the debate route the media stranded with us, even in helicopters. We were assigned the regulars, from the BBC, Sky, ITV, the Press Association and more. We sat eyeball to eyeball in those noisy helicopters with the television cameras aimed; no possibility of a discerning kip or even a in isolation word.

Even only five years ago, the vigour on spouses was less extreme. This time round the media is hungrier than ever for a singular slip; the aria contingency be terrific.

The months heading up to the choosing were the hardest time. Once the starting gun is dismissed the disturb of it all takes over; the speed, the splendid immature team who have helicopters, sandwiches, hairbrushes, make-up, station by at the ready, road house beds requisitioned . . . there is no time for thinking, sleeping or even eating, with fired-up adrenalin you only go with the flow.

It was tremendously exciting, that came as a sum surprise. I never felt a silent appendage; it was a common experience, we could keep each alternative sane. And I had a couple of days out on my own, canvassing with the womanlike candidates, which helped me to feel some-more productively involved. Sometime after the election the Oldie repository postulated me one of the mocking annual awards. Mine was dubbed the Stand By Your Man award. Stepping up to receive my small potion prize was a unapproachable impulse indeed.

A Matter of Loyalty by Sandra Howard is published in paperback by Pocket Books

Thursday, August 26, 2010

David Haye stops John Ruiz in ninth turn and creates his box to browbeat the universe

David Haye emerged from a heartless Saturday night conflict in Manchester with his repute extended and his universe heavyweight pretension intact.

With his majority considerable opening as a veteran fighter, he quelled the unusual insurgency of ageing American veteran John Ruiz, 38, his cornerhaving thrown in the towel dual mins and one second in to the ninth round, after Haye, 29, had put his competition down 4 times in the fight.

Ruiz had arrived in the ring to a fusillade of boos and carol on carol of ;who are ya? The subject was vicious and irrelevant.

Obamas Democrats voice new certainty on healthcare

Thomas Ferraro WASHINGTON Sun Feb 28, 2010 3:02pm EST Related News House Democrats might pass healthcare - key RepublicanSun, Feb twenty-eight 2010No Republicans seen choosing by casting votes for US health reformSun, Feb twenty-eight 2010Obama: Healthcare remodel can"t wait for for a generationSat, Feb twenty-seven 2010Obama: Healthcare remodel can"t wait for for a generationSat, Feb twenty-seven 2010Democrats concentration on subsequent healthcare moveFri, Feb twenty-six 2010 < 1 / 2 > A pharmacist and a pharmacy worker speak to clients on the phone as they work to fill prescriptions whilst operative at a pharmacy in New York Dec 23, 2009. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic leaders in the Congress uttered certainty on Sunday they will have the votes, presumably inside of a integrate of months or so, to pass turning point legislation to renovate the healthcare system.

Barack Obama&&&&Healthcare Reform

Facing a wall of Republican opposition, Democrats have pronounced they might review to a frequency used procedural tactic, well known as reconciliation, to win capitulation on quite narrow-minded votes.

President Barack Obama, who hosted a White House limit last week that constructed no pointer of bipartisan compromise, is to have known this week how he would similar to Democrats to ensue on a tip legislative priority.

"Our members, everybody of them, wants healthcare" reform, House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi, a Democrat, told ABC"s "This Week" program.

"Everybody wants affordable healthcare for all Americans," Pelosi said. "They know that this will take courage."

Surveys show Americans conflict the unconditional legislation pushed by Democrats during the past year. But polls additionally find that infancy Americans preference remodel and hold costs need to be marked down and coverage expanded.

Republican Senator Lamar Alexander warned Democrats to design voter recoil in November"s congressional elections if they try to have use of reconciliation, that would capacitate them to win thoroughfare in the 100-member Senate with 51 votes rather than the 60 compulsory to transparent Republican roadblocks.

"It would be a domestic kamikaze mission for the Democratic Party if they jam this by after the American people have been saying, "Look, we"re perplexing to discuss it you in each approach we know how, in elections, in surveys, in locale gymnasium meetings, we don"t wish this bill,"" Alexander told "This Week."

"We"d unequivocally similar to to get a bipartisan bill," pronounced Senator Robert Menendez, authority of the Democratic Senate debate committee.

"In the deficiency of that, the American people ... have pronounced in the polls that they wish to see (us) move brazen on healthcare reform," Menendez told "Fox News Sunday."

"I hold we will pass healthcare remodel this spring," he said.


Democrats in the Senate and House authorized healthcare bills last year that would reshape the $2.5 trillion industry by slicing costs, controlling insurers and expanding coverage to tens of millions of Americans.

But efforts to combine the opposite measures and send a last version to Obama collapsed in Jan after Democrats lost their consequential 60th Senate opinion in a special choosing in Massachusetts.

Obama has given offering specific ideas of his own that House and Senate Democrats will find to overlay in to a rather revised check that could win House and Senate passage, clearing the approach for the boss to pointer it in to law.

Democrats had hoped to equivocate utilizing reconciliation, but most right away see it as the last viable equates to for flitting an renovate of healthcare.

Under this method, the House would authorize the Senate-passed bill. Then changes to the Senate check sought by the House would be upheld by reconciliation.

Many of those provisions, such as changes to a taxation on high-cost word plans and one some-more sovereign subsidies to have coverage some-more affordable, were incorporated in a offer expelled by Obama last week.

House passage, however, is not assured. The House narrowly authorized the healthcare check last year, but a series of House Democrats have lifted concerns about the Senate version, together with the less limiting denunciation on abortion.

Pelosi pronounced Senate Democratic personality Harry Reid will find to establish what supplies can lift the Senate on a elementary infancy vote. They are to encounter on Tuesday.

Each sustenance would be theme to parliamentary hurdles to establish possibly they encounter the order that they be budget-related -- definition changes to areas similar to sovereign appropriation for termination would not be probable by the process.

House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer, looming on CBS" "Face the Nation" on Sunday, done it transparent his celebration wants to move quickly.

"I would think that inside of the subsequent integrate of weeks we"re going to have a specific offer and begin counting votes to see possibly or not those proposals could pass possibly the House or the Senate," Hoyer said.

"When we begin counting, the votes will be there," Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a part of the Democratic leadership, told NBC"s "Meet the Press."

Earlier on the program, Nancy-Ann DeParle, executive of the White House Office of Health Reform, pronounced she additionally believes "we will have the votes" in Congress.

One Republican pronounced he believes Pelosi doesn"t nonetheless have sufficient Democratic votes for thoroughfare in the House, but that she might get them.

"I would not equate her out since she is really great at muscling votes," Republican Representative Paul Ryan told "Fox News Sunday." Ryan pronounced she "is really great at creation deals."

(Additional stating by John Crawley, Eric Beech and John Whitesides; modifying by Eric Beech)

Barack Obama Healthcare Reform for acne doctors to help adolescents to treat their acne

Monday, August 23, 2010

Viamet understanding could be value some-more than $200 million

MORRISVILLE -- A small Morrisville drug association co-founded by UNC Chapel Hill Chancellor Holden Thorp has sealed a growth understanding that could move in some-more than $200 million.

Viamet Pharmaceuticals this sunrise voiced an agreement with the Novartis Option Fund to rise a diagnosis targeting a category of chemical substance well known as a metalloenzyme that contains a metal, typically zinc or iron. Viamets record is written to close down the wake up of key metalloenzymes, and have safer and some-more in effect medicines.

The understanding includes an upfront price and miracle payments that could be value some-more than $200 million if the diagnosis proves successful down the road.

Thats a poignant volume of income for a Triangle association with eight employees. Viamet was proposed in 2005 by Thorp, afterwards a chemist at UNC, and Thomas O"Halloran, a chemistry highbrow at Northwestern University.

"Working with peculiarity partners, such as Novartis, will concede us to entirely feat the record and comprehend the full potential," pronounced Viamet CEO Robert Schotzinger, in a rebuilt statement.

In July, the association lifted $18 million in try collateral financing. That appropriation was led by the Novartis Option Fund and enclosed existent investors Intersouth Partners and Hatteras Venture Partners, both of Durham.

The Novartis account is one of a organisation of try supports determined by the Swiss drug builder to unite earnest immature companies.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Mouse indication reveals a means of ADHD

The means of ADHD is unknown, but there is augmenting justification that dopamine, a neurotransmitter concerned in the brainreward-motivation system, is involved. Scientists have found that the turn of dopamine, and the D2 receptor it holds to, are concerned in the course of ADHD, as well as 4 continuous regions in the frontal segment of the brain, dual of that are without delay associated to prerogative and motivation.

The Rockefeller University researchers, led by Marc Flajolet, a comparison examine associate, and Paul Greengard, Vincent Astor Professor and head of the Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience, focused on an chemical substance called casein kinase I (CK1), that is concerned in controlling the dopamine signaling pathway. The work was published in Jan in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Flajolet and coauthor Ming-Ming Zhou, a examine join forces with in the lab, combined a line of mice genetically mutated to overexpress a form of CK1, called CK1δ, privately in the forebrain of the mouse. Under normal conditions and in reply to kick by drug such as the ones used currently to provide ADHD, the mice that overexpress CK1δ show behavioral symptoms and responses to drug identical to those noticed in people with ADHD.

The genetically mutated mice that we generated benefaction engaging facilities such as hyperactivity and changed nesting capacities that competence be associated to courtesy deficit, and presumably changed impulsivity, says Flajolet.

To exam the nesting capacities, the mice were kept overnight, simply housed in an open margin arena, with pulpy string nesting material. After twenty-four hours, the scientists compared the altogether peculiarity of the nests and the volume of material, if any, that each rodent used to set up the nest. The normal mice tore up the pulpy string and slept in the nests, whilst the CK1δ-overexpressing mice hardly overwhelmed the string material.

The researchers additionally found that the CK1δ-overexpressing mice became less hyper in reply to amphetamine and methylphenidate (Ritalin) in a approach identical to that of ADHD patients. Finally, biochemical studies by Postdoctoral Associate Heike Rebholz showed that both classes of dopamine receptors, D1R and D2R, are significantly marked down in the CK1δ-overexpressing mice, serve justification that the dopaminergic complement is exceedingly affected.

We hold that overexpression of CK1δ induces a little developmental stairs that resemble what competence be function in ADHD patients and thus we introduce that the CK1δ-overexpressing mice are a indication for this disorder, says Flajolet. It will be engaging to examine if CK1 could be the start of developmental defects in humans that lead to ADHD.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Doomsday Seed Vault Stores 500000 Crops

A mold-resistant bean, a German pinkish chopped tomatoes and a wildstrawberry plucked from the flanks of a Russian volcano are only a little of thecrops whose seeds are being tucked afar this week in a hulk safe dug out of amountainside of the Norwegian island Svalbard.

With these new deposits, the supposed Svalbard"Doomsday" GlobalSeed Vault will reach the half-million symbol of seed varieties. The gianticebox of sorts, that was strictly non-stop on Feb. 26, 2008, is meant toprotect the worlds stand farrago from healthy or manmade disasters.

"Reaching the half million symbol brings churned emotions,because whilst it shows that the safe at Svalbard is right away the bullion customary fordiversity, it comes at a time when the cultivation systems are unequivocally sittingon a knifes edge," pronounced Cary Fowler, senior manager executive of the GlobalCrop Diversity Trust, that partners with the Norwegian supervision and theNordic Genetic Resource Center in Sweden in handling the vault.

Fowler added, "If cropsand cultivation dont conform to meridian change, conjunction will humanity."

Giant icebox

The Vault is dug in to the Plat�berget mountain, that means"plateau mountain," and is located nearby the encampment of Longyearbyen,Svalbard a organisation of islands north of mainland Norway. The arctic permafrostoffers healthy frozen for the seeds, whilst one more cooling brings thetemperatures down to reduction 0.4 degrees Fahrenheit (minus eighteen degrees Celsius).

And if the towering of sleet enshrouding the storage roomsisnt sufficient protection, what improved physique ensure than one of natures biggestbeasts.

"The segment on Svalbard surrounding the Seed Vault isremote, severe, and inhabited by frigid bears," according to the GlobalCrop Diversity Trust, that helps to await the vaults operations.

The preciousness of such seeds is reflected in theinaccessible inlet of the vault. "Anyone looking entrance to the seedsthemselves will have to pass by 4 sealed doors: the complicated steelentrance doors, a second doorway we estimate 115 meters down the hovel andfinally the dual keyed air-locked doors," the Trust writes. "Keys arecoded to concede entrance to opposite levels of the facility. Not all keys unlockall doors."

Seeds: not only for arainy day

Like all seeds entrance to the vault, the new ones areduplicates of those from alternative collections. Material without delay acquired by plantbreeders to rise disease-resistant and "climate-ready" crops, andto encounter the plea of fast flourishing populations, is confirmed bygenebanks, not the seed vault.

"Svalbard is a fail-safe backup to be used at your convenience adepositing seed bank loses piece or all of the collection, but we should focusequally on averting the disasters in the initial place," Fowler said.

Other seeds shipped to the doomsdayvault include: semi-dwarf wheat and rice from the early 1960s;disease-resistant soybeans; and the German pinkish tomato, a audacious sweet-flavoredtomato ecstatic to Iowa in 1883 by a Bavarian immigrant.

"Were saying in multiform of the soybean varietiesintriguing traits that could concede farmers to confront such problems as droughtor impassioned heat, shorter or longer flourishing seasons, or higher levels of CO2[carbon dioxide]," pronounced Dave Ellis, curator at the U.S. Department ofAgriculture, National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation.

Top 10 Good Foods Gone Bad Radical Science Aims to Solve Food Crisis Americans Toss Out 40 Percent of All Food

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Upstate NY movie notable relic gets Technicolor collection

March 26, 2010, 12:57 PM EST

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) -- Technicolor, the color-movie colonize synonymous with Hollywood glamour, is donating filmmaking artifacts to George Eastman House to turn out the New York museum"s trove of strange reels of movie classics such as "Gone with the Wind" and "The Wizard of Oz."

The present of cameras, printers, photos, drawings and papers detailing the beautiful routine at the back of Technicolor movies constructed from World War I to 1974 solidifies the movie and photography museum"s standing as the world"s largest investigate establishment for film-technology scholars.

The French telecommunications and movie record company"s archives, kept in vaults in Los Angeles, competence have been junked if the notable relic hadn"t stepped in and discovered them, pronounced Caroline Frick Page, suit design curator for Eastman House.

The complete corporate pick up "makes it one of the majority singular pieces of movie story existent in repository for investigate today," she pronounced Friday.

Eastman House, situated in Kodak owner George Eastman"s 50-room Colonial Revival palace in Rochester, has been entertainment up valued photographs and drive-in theatre given 1947. The notable relic expects to sometime reconstruct a Technicolor movie set that competence additionally be incited in to a roving exhibition.

More than 6,600, pre-1951 movies prisoner on flighty nitrate movie are kept in frigid, low-humidity vaults owned by the museum. Cold storage saves them from rotting away, potentially for hundreds of years.

On the shelves are a little of the oldest flourishing negatives or prints dating to the emergence of relocating cinema in 1893. Among the 22,800 reels are 3,000 on Technicolor film, together with the strange camera negatives of "Gone with the Wind," "Meet Me in St. Louis" and "Little Women."

The perfected Technicolor system, that incited in to an industry customary commencement in 1927, typically compulsory scenes in drive-in theatre similar to "The Wizard of Oz" to be available concurrently in yellow, cyan and magenta.

With some-more than 30,000 movie titles, Eastman House is one of 4 vital U.S. motion-picture repository to one side the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Library of Congress and the University of California, Los Angeles. Among the treasures are the repository of filmmakers Cecil B. DeMille, Kathryn Bigelow, Spike Lee, Ken Burns and Martin Scorsese.

"Technicolor is to be commended for bargain the consequential significance of preserving the archive," Scorsese pronounced in a statement. Eastman House"s imagination in sketch and movie charge creates it "the undiluted place for this historically useful collection."


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Agrium to desert year-long bid for CF

Euan Rocha and Cameron French TORONTO Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:29pm EST Stocks & &

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A1c diabetes exam is a improved indicator of risk

JoAnne Allen WASHINGTON Thu Mar 4, 2010 10:47am EST Related News Nap lovers show higher diabetes rateMon, Mar 1 2010Birthplace weighs heavily on immigrant weightTue, Feb 23 2010Diabetes helps explain obesity-birth defect linkFri, Feb 19 2010Excess weight raises pregnancy risks: studyThu, Feb 11 2010Test of "artificial pancreas" offers diabetes hopeThu, Feb 4 2010

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A test that shows blood sugar levels over a span of several weeks is not only the best way to diagnose diabetes but also may be better at identifying who is at risk of getting diabetes than standard blood sugar tests, researchers said on Wednesday.


In a study involving more than 11,000 people with no history of diabetes, the hemoglobin A1c test more accurately identified people who later developed diabetes than the glucose fasting test, which measures blood sugar levels at one point in time.

The A1c test was also a better predictor of risk for stroke, heart disease and death from diabetes, the researchers reported in the New England Journal of Medicine.

They found that people who had A1c levels at 6 percent or greater were at higher risk for developing diabetes.

"A1c has significant advantages over fasting glucose," Dr. Elizabeth Selvin of Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, who led the study, said in a statement.

Blood sugar levels can vary from day to day and hour to hour.

The A1c test is more reliable, repeatable and allows doctors to track average glucose levels over time. Levels are not as affected by stress and illness, and patients do not have to fast before the test, the researchers said.


In January, the American Diabetes Association recommended the A1c test for diabetes screening and to identify people who may be at risk of developing the disease. Fasting glucose had been the standard measure in the United States for decades.

In the study, Selvin and colleagues examined stored blood samples from 11,092 black and white middle-aged adults without diabetes. The samples were collected between 1990 and 1992.

They compared the A1c test to the fasting glucose test to identify people at high risk for diabetes, heart disease, stroke and death.

During 15 years of follow-up, 2,251 people were diagnosed with diabetes; 1,198 had heart disease, 358 had strokes and 1,447 died, the researchers said.

A1c levels between 5.0 to 5.5 percent are considered normal. With each incremental A1c increase, the researchers found the incidence of diabetes rose.

People with levels between 6 and 6.5 percent were nine times more likely than those at the normal range to develop diabetes.

There are currently 9 million Americans who are diabetic but are undiagnosed, according to the study.

"These data... can help us interpret A1c values in clinical practice and help identify people who need treatment the most," Selvin said.

Diabetes develops when the body loses its ability to use insulin effectively. Blood sugar levels rise, in turn causing complications including heart disease, blindness and kidney failure.

About 24 million Americans have diabetes, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Diabetes costs the United States about $132 billion per year in disability, loss productivity and premature death.


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Arsenal contingency glow on all cylinders to dissapoint Manchester United and Chelsea says star Sol Campbell

Sol Campbell has backed Arsenal to upset the odds and lift the championship this season if they can come through this weekend"s difficult visit to Stoke.

Stoke City

Lift off: Campbell is looking to beat Stoke this week

Tony Pulis" men are yet to lose a game so far in 2010 and they eased to a 3-1 win over the Gunners when they last met at the Britannia Stadium in the FA Cup last month.

Arsenal haven"t beat Stoke away from home in the league since 1982 yet Campbell is confident the title contenders can prevail and cause bother to rivals Manchester United and Chelsea if they start firing on all cylinders from now until the end of the season.

It"s simple, we have to win as many games as possible," said Campbell.

"Other teams at the top will be playing each other, so we just have tolook after ourselves and make sure we"re firing on all cylinders.

"Whoever plays must give it everything they"ve got in these remaining games, and see where it takes us."

Theo Walcott and Sol Campbell

Keep on running: Campbell has told his Arsenal team-mate to fire on all cylinders

The veteran centre half, 35, is set to make his fourth appearance forArsene Wenger"s side since his surprise return to the club, should skipperWilliam Gallas fail to recover from a calf injury in time for Saturday"s Barclays Premier League showdown.

More...PICTURE SPECIAL: Different Strokes for Arsenal folks as stars turn back time for community celebrationsUnited target Ingolfur Sigurdsson enjoys successful trial with ArsenalCompetition: Win VIP tickets for Stoke v Arsenal - courtesy of BritanniaARSENAL FC NEWS FROM ACROSS THE WEB